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Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #371782 in Toys & Games
  • Brand: You & Me


  • We Talk To Each Other Just Like Real Twins!
  • Sing Along With Us, We Know Lots Of Songs!
  • We Say Over 100 Phrases!
  • Magic Interactive accesories!

Product Description

Just like real twins, these dolls actually talk to each other! Too Cute Twins talk, sing, joke, rhyme and giggle together! Their arms and heads really move. Comes complete with interactive feeding accessories.

Customer Reviews

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
5Too Cute Twins Make Me Laugh
By Becca
"Sugar and spice and everything nice; that's what little girls are made of!""Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails; that's what little boys are made of!"This is how every play session begins. I bet you're wondering why there's a boy phrase in there. That's because I have the boy/girl set. It appears that Amazon doesn't carry them anymore, but they used to. I got these twins years ago for my 14th birthday I believe. I still like to play with baby and toddler dolls. Anyways, I had a unique experience with these dolls.The surprise:The description of the boy/girl set never said anything about moving limbs. I thought they were going to just talk and sense their food. So when the box arrived, I got out the dolls and immediately read the instructions. They didn't say anything about moving limbs except implied statements in the "Troubleshooting" section. So I put batteries in the dolls and was shocked to find that they not only turn their heads, but they move their arms up and down. This immediately raised my "Like" bar another 50%.How They Work:These dolls have magnetic sensors in their mouths to sense the food. I figured this out when my spoon stuck to the tip of the Sippy cup. They both have magnets inside of them. The dolls can talk to each other, as we've all established. Their sensors are visible metal balls in the ears. Each doll has one sensor, and at first glance, it looks like an earring. When the sensors are facing each other, the dolls can communicate. This means the girl will always be on the same side of the boy.And like I said earlier, the arms and head move. This is why I only gave the "Durability" rating four stars. Mine aren't broken, but they are very gently used. If a small child plays with them, the arms have a chance at getting broken. However, I've accidentally dropped the dolls and pushed their arms up and they still work.I noticed that my girl doll is scented and the boy isn't. If you buy a girl/girl set, they both might be scented, or they might not have any scent.Playtime:According to the instructions, these dolls say over 100 phrases. I haven't counted them, but they do say a lot of things. They act like real twins. If I feed one of them, the other one usually gets jealous. If the boy burps, the girl tells him to excuse himself. If the girl burps, she excuses herself. Other reviewers on the many different versions of these dolls have mentioned one main problem in common. They don't like that these dolls fight so much and sometimes say things with an attitude. I agree that they do this, but it can be a good thing just as much as a bad thing. It can prepare kids for expected younger twin siblings. Kids might also like to tell their twin dolls not to say this and that and really play mommy or daddy. But I wouldn't give these twins to any kid under the age of five or six.When the dolls eat, they make "play" eating sounds. What I mean by that is the eating sounds sound like a kid is pretending to eat. Even if it's not realistic, it's very funny and I don't mind it at all.Interactions and Sleep:There are two ways to interact with the twins. You can either hug them (press their chests) or give them food. If you don't interact with them at all for a few minutes, one of the dolls will initiate a conversation about taking a nap. The twins will fall asleep and go into battery savings mode. To wake them up, you can use one of the two ways you interact with them while they're awake.My instructions say that my dolls can sense each other up to five feet apart. If they are apart, they will ask for each other. If one is off and the other is on, he or she will ask for the other twin. However, if you only have one doll on, you can still play with it. Feed it or give it a hug and listen to what it has to say. The twins consider this one-on-one time, but they still constantly ask for each other when they're apart.Quotes:Let's start with some of my favorite quotes.Spoon touches girl's lips and boy makes eating noises.Girl: "Hey! Save some for me!"Boy: "How come you always get the best part?"Girl: "Because I'm the princess, that's why."Boy: "Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker's man."Girl: "Bake me a cake..."Boy: "As fast as you can!"Girl: "Yeah, I'm hungry."Both: "Hey mom! Can we have a snack?"Girl: "That's funny."Boy: "You're funny!"Girl: "No I'm not, I'm cute."Boy: "So am I."Girl: "Alright, we both are.'They both giggle.Girl: "This is fun."Boy: "Let's rock and roll!"Each twin makes a kissing sound.Both: "Can we have a kiss Mommy?"Each twin has a cycle of phrases they go through when you hug them. When you hug the girl, she will say, "Hug me again." If you hug her again, she'll sigh and say, "Love you mama."If you hug the boy, he will say, "Nother one! *giggle*" If you hug him again, he'll say, "Hug me tighter!" And the third time he'll say, "Don't give her a hug like that!" The fourth time he'll say, "Aw, love ya, mama."When you play with the dolls indevidually, they have less to say, but what they say is a little different. When the twins can't sense each other, they immediately ask for their sibling. The girl will say, "Can my brother sit next to me? Hey! Little brother! I'm waiting for you!" The boy will say, "Where's my sister? Am I gonna sit here all day waiting for my sister?"They say the usual things when you hug them, but the boy doesn't make the comment about not hugging his sister the way you hug him. When you feed them, they say three things each. The first time you feed the girl, she'll say, "*burb* Excuse me. That was yummy. Can I have some more? I like jelly." The second time she'll say, "Ew, I don't like that." And the third time she'll just say, "*burb* excuse me."The first time you feed the boy when he's seperate from his sister, he'll say, "*burp* That was yummy. Wait a minute, I'm not finished. *burb burp* Now I'm finished. Can I have some more? I like peanut butter. Got any tato chips?" The second time, he'll say, "Ooh, I don't like that." And the third time he'll just say, "That was yummy."And that's as far as indevidual play will go. You will only hear these phrases when the twins are apart, but they say a lot more things when they're together.My least favorite thing they say is the Jack and Jill rhyme. In my opinion, that rhyme is not suitable for children. I don't know why people teach it to their children. It's sad.Overall:These dolls are great fun for kids who know not to repeat things. Instead, they'll enjoy having to be a parent and tell them to behave. These dolls say many things together and apart. They always ask for lunch or a snack and never any other meal. They sing songs and talk about things. They argue and remind each other to behave. They have more of an animated look versus realistic human features. In my opinion, they live up to their title, "Too Cute Twins"!I'd recommend this doll to:-Parents who want to prepare their child for real twins-Kids who want an electric doll-Kids who want to be a mommy to more than one baby at once-Twins-Anyone, including teens and adults who like twins and/or children-Doll collectors-Anyone else who is interestedI also have the older boy/girl Too Cute Twins with the desk set for kids to play teacher. They are a lot of fun, too, but I prefer the younger set. They are cuter and genuine compared to the school twins.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
2Breaks very easily
By Jennifer Whiting
These dolls were opened Christmas morning. My 9 year old loved these interactive dolls, however, 6 days later they are broken already. I am very disappointed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
4WAY cheaper at Toys r us
these dolls are only $39 at Several reviews at toys r us said that the dolls' heads broke off after a while.

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